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Children’s Physiotherapy
- Posture deviations like scoliosis
- Abnormal walking pattern like walking on your toes
- Orthopedical ailments
- Sports injuries
- Difficulties with sensory information processing
- Development handicaps due to autism, ADHD, ODD, DCD
- Neurological handicaps like CP (Cerebral Palsey)
- Mental retardation with motorial problems
- Overweight, obesity and/or concentration problems
- Problems with fine motor skills like coloring, cutting or writing
- Handicaps as rheumatism, osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease)
- Respiration problems like asthma, hyperventilation and bronchitis
- Urinal or feces problems
- Babies with a preferred stance/posture and/or flat head, asymmetrical infant
- Babies with orthopedical problems like clubfoot or hip-dysplasia
- Babies and children with a set-back in motor skills development
- ToP program
- Psychosomatic complaints in children and adolescents
- SSD (Somatic symptom disorder)
- Fitkids
- Insurance
- Procedure
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